martes, 26 de abril de 2011

Crazy is to deny it...

Yesterday somebody said spirituallity was a crazy thing... do I think it's crazy? I think crazy is to deny it...

Just sit down, start observing, observing your breath, how the air slowly enters through your nose, how it is making you so alive, focus your attention on your heart beat, follow the flow of your blood through every vein in your body, pay close attention to every process your body is making this right instant to keep you alive, every chemical reaction, very movement, every cell in an independent and interdependent organism bringing life to this body.

Now ask yourself this simple question... who is making your heart beat? who is processing the oxigen contained in the air you breath, who is controlling your vawel movements? who is making the blood run through your veins? Is it you? Is it really you? As far as I am concerned, if it where up to me, I would be dead years ago... I would definately forget to breath, or send the right message to my neurons to produce the exact chemical i need to feel happiness, or simply make digestion.

Listen to your every thought and ask yourself, Who is listening? Is it you? If it were you, would you be able to listen to yourself? And when there is no thought, and you realise you dont cease to exist? Do you realize you are not your thoughts and that presence that listens to your thoughts is still there, when there is no thought?

When have we decided to forget that we are a miracle? When have we decided to forget about this infinate force that makes us alive, every second, that undecipherable life force that makes the flowers bloom in sping time, that force that makes thousands of birds fly together in perfect synchronicity from one continent to the other... the same force that makes you breath, that makes you move, that makes you laugh, that makes you cry... call it Spirit, call it God, call it Prana, Shakti, Consciusness, call it the Great Mistery, The Unknown, or don't call it anything at all... but don't ever forget that without it, there is nothing, there is no  life. Just take your time to discover how this unifying force shapes your life at every moment, and once you have discovered it for yourself, you will for sure have an inimaginable source of peace, love, strength and power. That is spirituallity for me, opening my eyes to new realities, to the Force of Life!

3 comentarios:

  1. bishcat tu tomaste la foto? que lindo tu post!

  2. jajajaja perdon por intensearte pero vez que te sale un cuadrito con letras chuecas para que puedas comentas? me salio uno que decia "licusher" en el comentario anterior. jijijiji.
